
Sacred Sweatlodge
The sweat lodge, is an ancient ritual found across cultures worldwide, tracing its origins to indigenous peoples, notably the Siberian and Native American tribes.
Sweat Lodges spread across Europe as a result of cultural exchange, but the tradition faded due to religious persecution and industrialization.
This tradition involves a low, dome-shaped structure where hot stones are placed in a central pit, generating steam for purification and spiritual healing ceremonies.
It symbolizes rebirth, renewal, and connection to the earth, serving as a sacred space for communal rituals and introspection.
Lead Facilitator

Kyara Mensie is the Lead Facilitator at Sacred Sweatlodge. Kyara is Brazilian living in London. She has been training and working with the Terra Mirim Shamanic tribe and community in Bahia, Brazil since 2015.
Kyara is initiated into the Cabana (sweatlodge) and holds an MA in performance art. She brings her fire and passion for this work and lineage. Holding a powerful space for women & men to explore their inner landscapes.
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Our Sweatlodges are called Cabana's in the brazilian tradition we work with. Created by our Shaman and teacher XamAm Alba Maria. Terra Mirim is a foundation and Shamanic community in Bahia, Brazil founded over 30 years ago.
Camilla & Kyara have both spent time in Brazil living in the community learning and diving into the practises and medicines of Shamanism under the guidance of XamAm.
We work specifically with Shamanism of the Mother Goddess and the four elements. Honouring and celebrating the invisible forces that surround us and support us to live and experience life here on this earth.
The Cabana is considered a purification hut. A sacred womb of renewal and rebirth. Cleaning and cleansing our physical and spiritual bodies. Inviting us to reconnect with ourselves, nature and our ancestors.
Shamanic work is not easy. It's nature is to challenge us. To provoke us to our edges, it can lead us to places within ourselves that we may not have met yet! fears arise so we can meet them with tenderness and curiosity.
In the day retreats we work together in community. Encouraging connection and support with each other. This work is provoking and powerful. Held with tenderness, safety and compassion at its core.
We work with Hape (shamanic snuff), group dynamics, movement, song and prayer. Preparing our body and spirit for the Cabana Ritual.
Creating opportunities to illuminate your shadow. By unveiling the unconscious patterns that may be keeping you stuck in limiting beliefs and self sabotage.
Releasing old stories, moving towards more freedom of expression and creativity.
Please feel free to contact me directly if you have ANY questions. ​
Check out the events page for our next Cabana retreat.
We sing, we pray, we drum, we dance. We remember.